
The New Yorker Article

On April 30, 2021 The New Yorker Magazine posted the following on Instagram:

This is the link to the full article:


Excellent read.


Pentagon’s UFO Unit New York Times Article July 23 2020

To read article, click here:



It’s Time To Take UFOs Seriously: Alexander Wendt

Following are links to two articles concerning the world’s failure to take UFOs seriously. One is an interview of Alexander Wendt posted in Vox and the other is an article written by Alexander Wendt. Following is a link to the Vox interview:


I urge you to read the entire interview. At the very end Mr. Wendt says “Montezuma could’ve prepared a lot better for Cortes than he did, had he only known Cortes was coming.”. I think this is an excellent article which contains a lot of food for thought.

The following is a link to Mr. Wendt’s website with an article along the same vein:


And this is a link to the Wikipedia page containing info on Alexander Wendt:



Oumuamua Update November 2018

Harvard researchers raise the possibility that it may be “a fully operational probe sent intentionally to Earth vicinity by an alien civilization”.
Perhaps you thought that this topic had fizzled out. But it hasn’t!
The link to an NBC story follows: https://www.nbcnews.com/mach/science/scientists-say-mysterious-oumuamua-object-could-be-alien-spacecraft-ncna931381
And another link to a CNN story:  https://www.cnn.com/2018/11/06/health/oumuamua-alien-probe-harvard-intl/index.html

ABC News 3/31/18

In my prior post, “Finally”, I discuss recent UFO reporting by legitimate news sites. I feel the March 31, 2018 ABC News report merits its own blog post as it discusses UFO reporting over centuries.









Many of you reading this post are probably already aware of much, if not all, of what ABC is reporting. But the fact that it is being reported delights me.

A print of the Aert DeGelder painting ” Baptism of Christ” mentioned at the beginning of the article is displayed in my home.  The photo below of that print is poor quality and shows reflections in the glass. I love that print and reflect on it daily.


I bought the print after I read the book ” The Alien Chronicles” by Matthew Hurley. That same Aert DeGelder painting is on the cover:


Another of my favorite paintings discussed in Hurley’s book is “The Virgin Mary and Saint Giovannino” (1406-1469):


Over Mary’s shoulder is something in the sky.  You can see a man and his little dog in the distance intently gazing at the object in the sky.

Everything old is new again.



It has been a very long time since my last post. I didn’t feel that there was anything new to say. I had previously reported my own UFO encounter which happened decades ago. I discussed Rh negative blood and ancient aliens in various posts. But what more was there to say? Nothing. Until now.

I honestly didn’t think I would see the day when a legitimate news report on UFOs would appear. Not the snickering, humorous type report that you sometimes see but an actual sober report in the main stream media on UFOs. But here in the last few months of 2017 there have been two separate news stories covered by the media. And covered without a smile, snicker or wink wink.

The first was reported in October 2017 when astronomers in Hawaii discovered what was later to be called Oumuamua, pictured below.


The following was taken from Wikipedia which provides an excellent synopsis as the discovery and findings regarding this interstellar object.


What I found interesting was the name chosen for it. In Hawaiian Oumuamua means scout or messenger.


Because of its unusual characteristics, astronomers listed to see if there were any unexpected signs that it might be of artificial origin. Artificial origin!  No radio signals have been picked up UT observations are continuing.

Whether this object is some kind of hybrid asteroid or not is interesting. But what is even more interesting to me is that astronomers were willing to consider that this might be a cloaked UFO.


And then on December 16, 2017 The New York Times reports that the Pentagon had a UFO program running from 2007 to 2012…the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program.


Videos were released showing encounters between Navy jets and an unidentified object.


The individual running the program, Luis Elizondo, indicated that beyond a reasonable doubt we are not alone.

This story was reported by news media around the world. With no snickering.


Senator Harry Reid was instrumental in getting the program funded and said he was proud of it.


I don’t know what is to come, if anything. But for me, this is a big deal. Actually, both these stories are big deals.

UPDATE: On March 9, 2018 the Washington Post carried this story:


You can view the entire story here:


I’d love to hear your comments. And if you have seen a UFO, I welcome your comments as well.

UPDATE: On March 29, 2018, CNN carried the following story.




Several months ago, this would not have been reported as legitimate news. Washington Post, Time, Newsweek, ABC, CBS and others carried this story.


Close Encounters of the Telepathic Kind

I’ve read many accounts of UFO sightings where it’s reported “I felt like they were reading my mind” or “They knew I was watching them” or some sort of telepathic communication had occurred between viewee and viewer. 

My own experience a long, long time ago (in the early 1960s) was such a sighting.  If I had seen a UFO without this telepathic element to it, I don’t know if I’d be still thinking about (pretty much daily) over 50 years later.

I’ve written elsewhere on this blog about that sighting but, what the heck, I’ll describe it again:

I must have been around 14.  My mother and I were accustomed to sit outside of summer night in our backyard in Connecticut to enjoy the cool night air and watch the sky.  We knew the flight paths of the airplanes from the New York airports to Boston and Europe. We knew the path of Telstar’s orbit and would watch for it as it passed overhead.  We sat in the sunken garden for hours on a nice night and observed the stars, planets, shooting stars and everything else that occupied the night sky.

I had my own telescope and even belonged to the Junior Astromoners’ Club. I was into it!  And my mother was quite a woman.  She believed in  reincarnation, the power of the mind, had a subscription to FATE magazine and often wondered about the “seen and unseen” mentioned in the Nicene Creed.

One night I noticed a relatively dim light very low in the southeastern horizon.  It appeared to be stationary, but it was a light or star that I did not recall seeing before.  I kept my eyes on it while taking in all that was going on in the sky above me.  It seemed to me that it was moving ever so slightly.  If you looked at it, you couldn’t see movement, yet if you looked away and then looked back several minutes later, it appeared to have oved northward along the horizon in relation to where it had been before.

After watching this for probably a half an hour or so, I brought it to my mother’s attention.  She didn’t recall seeing it before either and she kept her eyes on it as did I.  Over the next half hour we both agreed that, yes, it was still moving north.  Now we were really intent on watching it.  It had progressed a little more than half way across the eastern horizon.  We watched and watched, not looking at anything else but it. And then it appeared to stop.  We continued to watch.  Minutes passed and no movement.  We were now up on our feet watching it.  We were alarmed by the lack of movement.  What could possibly stop dead in the sky?  There were no sounds and it seemed to still be very distant.

And then, from that dead stop, it made a sharp turn and was zooming directly toward us.  I felt that it was reading our minds… it knew we were watching it and it was coming to us.  As it zoomed in our direction, the light was getting brighter and bigger with still no sound emanating from it.  It was almost directly overhead!  Scared, I took off and ran toward the house.  I could hear my mother’s footsteps  following me.  We reached the back door and ran into the kitchen and locked the door behind us. (I don’t know why we bothered to do that because we knew that if “they” wanted to get in, a locked door wouldn’t stop them).  We were afraid to look out the windows for fear something would be looking in.  We discussed this episode quite often in later years and wondered if we had lost any time that night… had we beeen abducted? We couldn’t recall losing time and we had no evidence that we were abducted.  But 50+ years later I’m still thinking about it.

This was a telepathic encounter of the most basic kind.  They read our minds.  They knew we were looking at them and we knew they were looking at us.

I’ve read many instances of telepathic communication beyond this.  Communication of actual thoughts. 

Have you had any such experiences?


I Can Dream, Can’t I?

I’m waiting.  And I’ve been waiting since I saw that object in the sky some 50 years ago.  I’ve described this sighting in other posts in this blog…and I’ll repeat it here:

I saw a UFO in the early 1960′s.  My mother was with me.  It was very low in the eastern horizon traveling from south to north. It was just a tiny white dot…it looked like a star very far away. As we sat in the garden on the midsummer night, I kept watching that “star”. Was it moving? Minutes passed and I could see that it had moved slightly. I alerted my mother to this object on the horizon and together we watched it slowly moving northward.  It was moving so slowly that you couldn’t detect movement if you looked directly at it but if you looked at it in relation to another stationary object then you could see that it had moved.  After a period of time it had made its way along the horizon and then it stopped. I mean it came to a dead stop. We waited for many minutes just focused on that “star”. What could it be that it could just stop like that? I remember saying “That’s not good…” and then this object made something like a 75 degree turn and started zooming in our direction. That little faint “star” light was rapidly getting brighter and bigger.

We had been focused on that object for almost an hour as it made its slow progression across the horizon. I am certain that the beings controlling this object picked up on our thought waves and were heading toward us. For what reason, I don’t know. If we had stood our ground insteading of running inside I don’t know what would have happened. Sometimes I wish that I had the courage to stay outside and see. I didn’t have the courage then and I don’t know if I’d have the courage now.

I’ve always had a feeling that  I would see another…and that the world would see what I have seen. 

Recently Comet ISON has captured my attention.  Like many others around the world, I waited to see if it would survive its journey around the sun on Thanksgiving Day.  Early reports indicated that it had not.  It did not reappear in the timeframe which had been calculated by the astronomers and scientists…it was gone…vanished.  And then, hours later, “something” appeared on the other side of the sun, presumably ISON. 

My imagination kicked into gear.  Perhaps this “something” that emerged is actually the remnants of ISON.  Or perhaps it’s something else…maybe it ships from other worlds coming to decorate our skies with their brilliance and majesty this December.  Perhaps they are coming to announce the truth…we are not alone.

As the “star” of Bethlehem travelled across the sky 2000 or so years ago, and stopped to mark an unparelleled historic event, maybe our time has come to witness another such historic event.

I can dream, can’t I?

UPDATE 12/10/13:  I wrote the above on December 1st and was not aware of any internet discussions with regard to whatever emerged from the other side of the sun being the comet ISON along with perhaps something else (like a spaceship or ships).  Today, 12/10/13, Blossom Goodchild’s post discusses Comet ISON.  In her channeling with the Federation of Light representatives she asks if the Comet Ison is or is not a spaceship.  Their response is “The comet/ship is comprising of both”.    She asks if they can confirm that it is more than just a comet, and their response is “Indeed”.  You can see her full post here http://www.blossomgoodchild.com/index.html?page=BG199dec10.html

They are saying that what is approaching is the remnants of ISON along with a “ship”.  If any of you readers have any info or opinions on this you’d like to share, please do.

And still I wait….



Inter-Species Blood Transfusion

You might have heard about the recent (August 2013) blood transfusion between a cat and a dog which took place in New Zealand.  This is the link to the story as reported by Sky news:  http://news.sky.com/story/1131354/dog-saves-cat-in-rare-blood-transfusion-op

The article begins:

“Macy the Labrador stepped in when Rory the ginger tom became ill after eating rat poison.

“Vet Kate Heller, of Tauranga in New Zealand, said the feeble feline was fading fast and needed an immediate transfusion to survive.

“She searched for a suitable donor cat but could not find one quickly enough.”

The story continues that the Labrador was used as a blood donor and, happily, the cat is doing fine.

What really got my interest were the last three paragraphs of the article:

“Interspecies transfusion, as acts like a dog giving a cat blood are called, has only been successfully carried out a handful of times.

“According to experts, cats do not have antibodies that reject dogs’ blood, so a transfusion may buy enough time for the cat to regenerate its own red blood cells.

“Only one transfusion can be done because a second dose of dog blood would be the death of the cat.”

I couldn’t help but think of the similarity of an Rh- woman giving birth to a Rh+ child.  The first time, there is no problem as there are no antibodies present.  But without Rhogam having been administered, there would be antibodies present during the second pregnancy.



Rh Negative Blood Origins Revisited

A few days ago I received the following comment to a post that I made back on October 29, 2009 regarding possible origins of Rh Negative blood. Within this post I made the statement that Rh Negative blood was believed to have been caused by some sort of mutation that occurred many thousands of years ago. This explanation was by far the most common (and admittedly vague) explanation for the origin of Rh negative blood at the time.

This is the comment I received a few days ago:

“A mutation? I have a bachelor of archaeology (la trobe) so I can shed a little light on this. The O RH – blood type was the most common blood type of the earliest modern human homo sapiens. The blood types AB and RH positive factors were introduced during the Human – Neanderthal divergence period. It is the blood types AB that are foreign to the original modern humans. RH negative is the blood type of the original humans. After statistical analysis of the blood groups of the earliest modern human homo sapien communities they have found Type O RH – negative as the dominant factor. These are communities that predate divergence and were free of neanderthal and other early hominid contamination. Basically concluding that our earliest human ancestors were uncontaminated by the rhesus factor. It is not a reptillian mutation, but the original blood type of the purest human ancestors. It is likely a contributing reason for the O RH – negative blood type being the universal donor.”

More and more sites can be found on the internet today regarding Rh Negative blood as the original blood factor. The following site is extremely interesting:


Is the truth to be found on the internet, or are we being fed delibrate mistruths? Whatever the case, this article on the Basques is definitely worth reading.

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